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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life a bitch sometimes.

These past few weeks have increased my suck levels to an all time high. Remember that last post where I clearly stated in all caps that school was the best thing in my life? Well screw that, because its been the biggest problem. I NEVER in my nine years of school going have had THIS many problems with people EVER. My teacher kept calling me Mikaela instead of Kaitlyn. His reason was because, oh well you didn't participate in that big field trip that the school went on because you couldn't do it so I'm not going to remember your name. Not EXACTLY what he said, but wtf. That shit doesn't go well with me. Then I told my friend while we were weeding the garden at school that I might puke my cramps were so bad. When the advisory was all together she announced that I was sick. My adviser was passing out apples and kept trying to get me to take one [eating doesn't make the pain go away]  saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." So my response to that was "I don't need a doctor, I need Pamprin." Then they left me alone. I get that way when its time.
Anyway life's been a bitch, and I thought you should know. I have no real good news...though Twitters been great. I'll leave you with this:

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