Hey There!

Welcome one and all to this thing I do.
Happy reading!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Untitled Rant

So I'm lying in my bed with my computer, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, thinking to myself "I should probably be reading." then "I need a life." it goes on believe me. I continued to think about how boring and lonely this pass summer has been. I really didn't do anything, in fact I could tell you the pattern I followed.
Beginning: Watch YouTube and Television [on my computer] non-stop.
Middle: Read. Nothing but books twenty-four seven.
Not quite out of the middle: Balance both reading and YouTube.
End: YouTube and Buffy. No reading.
I feel this pattern is somewhat ridiculous, considering my sister went to Australia for a month, out with friends, the beach, on dates with her boyfriend, and pretty much anywhere but our house. This made me realize how completely different me and my sister are. 
She doesn't mind her side of our room to be cluttered. Me? I flip if I leave underwear on the floor for more than five seconds. She likes to collect and keep things. I can't stand to keep stuff I don't use or want. She sleeps with the radio playing. I have to wear earplugs to get a decent nights sleep. Her boyfriend calls her at unspeakable times [okay eleven, but still?] at night. I sit and wonder why guys [or anyone for that matter] don't text or call me at unreasonable hours just to hear my voice. As you can tell, us being in the same room is difficult. I can't do or throw out anything without her approval [unless its my stuff, then to hell with it]. But for the past fourteen years of my life I've survived my opposite and hopefully within two years she'll be off to college becoming a teacher, and I get peaceful nights with a well-organized, clutter-free room. That's a dream if I ever read one. Wait, no getting a guy to call is bigger. In fact I've only called a guy once. Just to get directions to a solar car race. Wow, I'm lame...and lonely...
Thanks to you if you read the entire rant. The boyfriend is due to call, so I'm gonna get to sleep. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why Untitled?

Hello there. I thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a lovely read.

You're probably wondering why the blog is called Untitled. Well you would think I had some deep complex reason, but no. I just couldn't put a title to it, because I don't know what this thing is about or what it will become as time passes. So it is the blog without a title. I like it. Makes me feel like there is no specific topic, so therefor I am free to write my minds desires.
I actually don't have much to write, because I wasn't planning on starting this today. It was just on my list of To-do's. I don't expect anyone to actually read this either, though that would be nice. This is just a place for me to write my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and anything else I deem worthy. Links to other places are provided...NOW:

YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/invaderzimgirl14
Quizilla: http://quizilla.teennick.com/my/profile
The Ning: http://nerdfighters.ning.com/profile/KatieRose111
Playlist.com: http://www.playlist.com/user/38923707
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/DarlinKatie
And the other blog [I write on Sunday] http://aweekofawesome.blogspot.com/

I hope you enjoyed your stay, and come again!